



From research to building – A matter of transformation, adaptability and reuse strategy.

KADERSTUDIO is an international architectural practice based in Brussels, founded by Stijn Elsen and Simone Valerio.

KADERSTUDIO has been working for several years now on circular economy and resilience in architecture and urbanism, vectors of both sustainability and profitability. Our team aims at designing buildings and systems that allow for evolution of uses beyond their original function, to meet contemporary and ever-changing needs. We tend to define an open strategy capable of rethinking the concepts of transformation, adaptability and reuse within the specific given framework of each project – or, in Dutch, KADER.

KADERSTUDIO offers a dual approach with continuous exchange between practice and research. Together with universities, public authorities and contractors, we are developing multifunctional and adaptive construction and urban systems for both renovation and new development to propose exemplary projects.


40 Quai des Charbonnages

B-1080 Brussels

T +32 477 95 17 60


Stijn Elsen

Stijn Elsen graduated as Master of Sciences in Engineering Architecture at the University of Brussels. After his studies Stijn worked at Meta architectuurbureau in Antwerp where he was project architect of small to big scale projects, from residential to public functions. Since 2015 he also contributes to academic research projects and teaches at the University of Brussels (VUB).

Simone Valerio

Simone Valerio studied architecture at IUAV University in Venice. He then moved to the Netherlands where he obtained a Master’s degree from TU Delft. Simone worked at Meta architectuurbureau in Antwerp where he led various design competitions, from housing to large public buildings, in collaboration with other internationally renowned architectural practices. Since 2000 he also teaches at the University of Brussels (VUB).


Pauline Durand, Romain Lefebvre, Beatrice Godon, Mahmoud ElZanfaly, Kewalin Num-In, Florence Weyten, Andrea Migotto, Suzanne Jadoul

Former Collaborators

Andrea Lusquinos Mansilla, Alberto Jonas Murias Suarez, Ineke Tavernier, Martina Cerra, Federico Gobbato Liva, Kelly Comparsi


For spontaneous applications, please send your CV and portfolio to info@kaderstudio.eu


  • 2024 Speaker at Séminaire Bâtiment Durable ‘Allier ambitions circulaires et faisabilité financière‘, Brussels Environment & ABT Belgium
  • 2023 Guest lecture ‘Ontwerprichtlijnen in de praktijk‘, post-graduate Circulair Bouwen, Howest Hogeschool
  • 2022 Speaker at ‘Des écoles pour l’avenir‘ Conférence Rénover les écoles, Brussels Environment
  • 2022 Guest lecture ‘Ontwerprichtlijnen in de praktijk‘, post-graduate Circulair Bouwen, Howest Hogeschool
  • 2021 Guest lecture ‘KADERSTUDIO, From theory to practice: a regard on circular design‘, UCLouvain
  • 2019 Speaker at ‘Concrete & Sustainability’, Urban.Brussels
  • 2019 Speaker ‘Circular Economy’, Netwerk Architecten Vlaanderen (NAV)
  • 2019 Speaker Seminar ‘Circular economy in construction’, Pixii Passiefhuis Platform
  • 2019 Guest lecture, Seminar ‘Circular economy in construction’, Bopro Academy
  • 2018 Speaker at Round table ‘Design for changing and Circularity‘, BBSM Brussels & VUB Brussels
  • 2018 Lecture Architecture Week : Islands Of Brussels, VUB Brussels


  • The Architecture of Reuse in Brussels, BMA, 2024 (Clos des Maries)
  • Real Life Brussels, BMA, CIVA, KU Leuven, 2024
  • Omkeerbaar Ontwerpen – Een praktische handleiding, Leefmilieu.Brussel, 2023 (Circular Retrofit Lab)
  • Quality Matters, Usquare Brussels, A+ 299 Magazine – Special Edition, December 2022 – Januari 2023 (Clos des Maries)
  • RECLAIMED New homes from old materials, Penny Craswell, Thames & Hudson, 2022 (Asper)
  • Sociale woningbouw op een keerpunt, A+ 297 Magazine, Augustus – September 2022 (Clos des Maries)
  • Architectura, De Praatstoel, 29/08/2022 (interview)
  • Toekomstgericht (ver)bouwen, Vibe, Bond Beter Leefmilieu, VUB en Vlaanderen Circulair, 2022 (Asper)
  • Wonen we straks in kantoorgebouwen?, De Standaard, 13/03/2021 (interview, Rue Haute, Evenepoel, Deleers)
  • Regering denkt aan verplichte terrassen voor nieuwbouw, Bruzz, 12/02/2021 (interview, Deleers)
  • Divisare website, 23/03/2020 (Asper)
  • Pocket Ontwerpen voor verandering, VUB Architectural Engineering en Netwerk Architecten Vlaanderen NAV, 2019 (Asper)
  • Bouwen voor een circulaire economie, VUB Architectural Engineering, 2019 (Asper, Circular Retrofit Lab, Tubize)
  • L’Economie Circulaire En Région De Bruxelles, Hughes Belin & Cédric Hananel, 2019 (Circular Retrofit Lab)
  • Bouwafval pijnpunt in circulaire economie, De Standaard, 14/05/2019 (Circular Retrofit Lab)

Scientific publications

  • Building a Circular Economy. Design Qualities to Guide and Inspire Building Designers and Clients, Galle W., Cambier C., Elsen S., Herthogs P., Lanckriet W., Poppe J., Tavernier I., De Temmerman N., Vandervaeren C., Verswijver K., Vrije Universiteit Brussel, VUB Architectural Engineering, 2019
  • Building a Circular Economy. Buildings, a Dynamic Environment, Galle W., Cambier C., Elsen S., Herthogs P., Lanckriet W., Poppe J., Tavernier I., De Temmerman N., Vandervaeren C., Verswijver K., Vrije Universiteit Brussel, VUB Architectural Engineering, 2019
  • Testing BAMB Results Through Prototyping and Pilot Projects: D14 – 4 pilots built + feedback report, Capelle T., Balson K., Lowres F., Farnetani M., Durmisevic E., Brancart S., Paduart A., Elsen S., Lanckriet W., Poppe J., Mul E., Luscuere L., Morizur C., Celatte M., Debacker W., Buildings As Material Banks, Brussel, 2019
  • Transform: Towards a circular building economy, De Temmerman N., Paduart A., Galle W., Koumar A., Brancart S., Denis F., Vandervaeren C. & Elsen S., Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Jaarboek Vakgroep ARCH), Brussel, 2017
  • Design for disassembly and reuse for renovation of housing in Flanders – Case Study for Existing (High Rise) Housing Buildings, Paduart A., Debacker W., Henrotay C., Elsen S., De Wilde W. & Hendrickx H., Changing the Change. Allemandi Conference Press, 2008
  • Four-dimensional design: from strategies to cases – generation of fractal grammar for reusing building elements, Debacker W., Henrotay C., Paduart A., Elsen S., De Wilde W. & Hendrickx H., International Journal of Ecodynamics, Boston, 2007