


BOOK_The Architecture of Reuse in Brussels 2

2024-10 | The Architecture of Reuse in Brussels

Our project Clos des Mariés is part of a selection of 14 projects featured in the book The Architecture of Reuse in Brussels. In its publication BMA explores the different visions of circularity, what became a central element of the urban architectural agenda. The publication sets out that circular architecture is not a niche, but fully embraced by both public and private players.


2024-9 | Real Life Brussels

Several of our projects are featured in the book Real Life Brussels. The publication realised by BMA, CIVA and KU Leuven puts the transformation of 20th century social housing on the agenda. During the book launch at CIVA Simone Valerio participated in the panel that discussed the topic.

URSULINES_Render_street facade

2024-4 | Ursulines

Together with Atelier 4/5 we were selected to build a polyvalente space for the secondary school Institute des Ursulines. The project defends a conservative approach aimed at enhancing the qualities of the existing heritage and introducing new qualities to the spaces through punctual interventions. Also used by community organisations outside school hours, the new polyvalent space will reinforce the relationship between the school and its neighbourhood.

AUDERGHEM Renovation of the town hall and cultural centre, physical model

2024-2 | Auderghem

Very proud to announce that our design proposal for the renovation of the town hall of Auderghem has been selected by the jury. The proposal starts from the public space in continuity with the building. An inner street, connecting all four entrances, gives access to the municipal and CPAS services as well as the municipal library and game library. The conservative approach aims to preserve the original character and revitalise the complex built in the 1970s. Find out more about the project.

VIJVERHOEK Renovation and extension of a house in rural area, construction site photo of the street facade combining existing and new parament on groundfloor and a wooden facade on first floor

2023-11 | Different faces

Our project VIJVERHOEK is well on its way for completion. The project consists of the renovation and extension of an existing house in rural area. The project has 2 faces; on the left side the materiality and profile are a witness of the existing house while on the right side the identical profile is constructed with new materials. Currently still visible, the finishing lime render will unify both and subtilize differences.


2023-8 | Reclaimed

In full pandemic we were contacted by Australian author Penny Craswell who was making a book about the use of reclaimed materials in new buildings. When explaining to her our project APSER she was not only enthusiast about the use of reclaimed bricks but also about the structural principles of the building based on two independent structures, allowing evolution in the organization and its use. We are happy that the book is finally published.

WWF_Render exterior 1

2022-12 | WWF headquarters

We are very happy to announce that together with our friends of Atelier 4/5 we won the invited competition for the renovation of the headquarters building of WWF Belgium. Our proposal reorganized the Brussels Art Deco building offering greater flexibility is its use. A new central staircase and multiple double high spaces allow visual and physical connections between floors. On the ground floor the façade is opened up to create a dialogue with the surroundings. In the proposal the use of organic and renewable materials is central and combined with new CO2 neutral technical installations.

2022-11 | Ab Chao Art piece

At the beginning of November, it was the inauguration of AB CHAO, a living and growing installation by Koen Vanmechelen at the Circular Retrofit Lab. His artwork is at the crossing point of art, science, philosophy and society. This art piece is part of the Humanistic Sculpture Park of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. “One giant egg on top of a building holds a possible future” K. Vanmechelen

2022-1 | Deleers on Bruzz

Together with Atelier Kempe Thill, Kaderstudio was commissioned by Kairos for a Design & Build urban development, part of Plan Canal. The mixed-use project includes an underground car park, spaces for productive activities, and above that, approximately 100 urban apartments spread over 3 towers. The project developed provides direct responses to the challenges of building “after corona’ a productive city. Check out the full article about the Deleers development.

CLOS DES MARIES Circular renovation of heritage buildings, render of the facade with large terraces

2021-09 | Clos des Mariés

Co-designed with Atelier Kempe Thill, our proposal for the major renovation of the Clos des Mariés, is selected by SLRB/BGHM and SISP BinHôme. Following the orientations of the adjacent Usquare project and bringing our expertise in circular design, we tackle all challenges of the new dwelling development to promote use of patrimony and urban agriculture.

2021-08 | Health Campus Diepenbeek

Kaderstudio together with Latitude and Studio Tuin en Wereld, have been rewarded by the Vlaams Bouwmeester for their vision on the “health campus” of UHasselt Ecocampus Diepenbeek. The main ambitions are to create a new hub for innovation in healthcare and propose an exemplary project in terms of sustainability. This new extension from north to south would define both the ‘entrance to the city’ and a ‘gate to nature’.

2021-07 | Muntpunt

A few months ago, we were invited by Muntpunt to submit a design proposal for their Maakplek, here a glimpse of our co-creation design with Studio Acte.

2021-06 | De standaard weekblad

Check out the interview of Stijn Elsen from Kaderstudio and André Kempe from Atelierkempethill about sustainable living, an even more relevant reflection after pandemic.⁠ ⁠ Illustration Collage ABBE – Circular renovation project from Kaderstudio and Atelier 4/5

2021-04 | Online Lecture

Stijn Elsen and Simone Valerio are invited by Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) to give a lecture about KADERSTUDIO expertise on circular design through several exemplary projects (Rue HauteCRLAsper etc). The online lecture will take place on May 6th at 8PM. More info here.

2020-11 | Evenepoel

Invited by SLRB/BGHM and Foyer Schaerbeekois, Kaderstudio with Atelier Kempe Thill and Taktyk, submitted a design proposal for a new landmark in Evenepoel area. Housing typology and density, social activation, collective gardens and integration with the landscape are the main challenges that led us to design an urban villa: the new “beating heart” of the neighbourhood.

2020-10 | And the winner is…

Our proposal for the renovation/extension project of Rue Haute 342 in historic city center of Brussels, is selected by CPAS Ville de Bruxelles. Together with Atelier 4/5, we developed a “reuse” strategy that illustrates the principles of circular design, key expertise of our two practices’ works.

2020-09 | City Dox

Kaderstudio and Atelier Kempe Thill are one of the four international design teams invited by ATENOR for the final tender phase for its CITY DOX project at Biestebroeck (Polo architects, B.architecten & B.bis + Veld, Atelier Kempe Thill + Kaderstudio and A2o + Multiple). The ambition of the project is to design a mixed-use urban block including, housing, shops, parking, gymnasium, and schools that can “live” together and independently. (Photo credit: Séverin Malaud)

2020-08 | Innovative design

Invited by Community Land Trust Brussels, Kaderstudio together with Atelier 4/5 focus on Innovation with their project for collective housing with a common garden in Anderlecht. The ambition of the proposal for Abbé calls on our expertise in circular design, fast and light construction systems. To limit the environmental impact, a maximum of materials from the existing sheds are kept and reused on site. CLTB is itself an innovator in Brussels in its governance and its vision of co-creation, to stimulate exchanges between residents and explore new ways of building.

2020-07 | Collective housing

The award-winning Tivoli Greencity district in Laeken is exemplary in terms of sustainability, environmental protection, reduction of energy consumption, biodiversity and citizen participation. Within this framework, CLTB invited our team Kaderstudio + Atelier 4/5 to submit a design proposal for 22 dwellings based on their community-driven approach: an innovative and exemplary project in terms of circular economy, promoting living together. (Photo credit: Séverin Malaud)

2020-06 | General Jacques

Following the adjacent Usquare project for the new sustainable district in Elsene, time has come to upcycle the 61 former gendarmerie apartments. Based on an inventory of reused materials and a deconstruction test, SLRB is determined to favor a project that opts for an exemplary circular economy approach. That’s why our team Kaderstudio + Atelier 4/5 is selected to submit its vision for General Jacques renovation.

2020-02 | Lecture

Through presenting the work of KADERSTUDIO at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Stijn Elsen and Simone Valerio will give their view on circular design. The lecture will take place on March 19th at 19h. More info can be found here.

2019-11 | Workshop

We are very proud to be part of Promising Young Architects 2019, selected by The Flanders Architecture Institute (vai), Het Nieuwe Instituut and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Brussels. In a two-days workshop on 14th and 15th of November in Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam, twenty architects from the Netherlands and Belgium will reflect on Rotterdam south, who is currently subject to demographic and spatial changes, catalysed and supported by governmental initiatives.

2019-10 | Concrete & sustainability

On the 18th of October we will be a guest speaker during the conference “CONCRETE & SUSTAINABILITY. History – Restoration – Perspective” organised by urban.brussels and CIVA. Together with Waldo Galle, from the research group Architectural Engineering (VUB) Stijn Elsen will share experiences on the design and construction of the Circular Retrofit Lab, realised in the former student houses, built by Willy Van der Meeren in the 1970s on the campus of VUB.

2019-06 | Let’s make it official

At the campus of Vrije Universiteit Brussel the Circular Retrofit Lab was officially opened in the presence of Rector Caroline Pauwels and Brussels Bouwmeester Kristiaan Borret. The project researches how to eliminate construction and demolition waste by Reversible Building Design. Therefore adaptable and circular building systems were developed in collaboration with industrial partners.

2019-02 | Co-creation with Namahn

KADERSTUDIO won the private competition for the extension and renovation of the Namahn studios. Originally designed by architect Wim Cuyvers the studios are composed of a set of spaces all with their proper identity. We accept the challenge to extend the studios complementing and respecting the original project, and explore the dynamics of design-thinking process.

2019-01 | Completion is near

Exactly 1 year after its start the construction of the project ASPER is almost finished. The single family house consists of 2 independent structures, assuring a long-term perspective for its users. The very generous porch originated by the different…

2018-11 | Striptease

Stripping down a former student residence at the campus of the Brussels University VUB, its elegant structure is revealed. Soon, construction of the Circular Retrofit Lab will start, in collaboration with the faculty of Architectural Engineering.

2018-06 | Exoskelet

The outer brick structure of the project ASPER is finalised. The wooden infill will soon start.

2018-05 | Under one roof

In the garden city Moortebeek, the roof of a new living space and bicycle storage gets shape. The steel structure embraces the original single-family house, resting on only 3 slender columns.

2018-04 | Runner-up

The project Learning From Tubize is currently on exhibition at the cultural center of Tubize. Together with other nominated Europan 14 projects it is part of the design research and new vision for the future development of the Forges de Clabecq area.

2018-03 | Islands of Brussels

Kaderstudio is giving a lecture on March 21st during the Architecture Week organised by Bru:tecture and the Architectural Engineering department of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. This year, the general topic is ‘Islands of Brussels’ and the activities will take place in the former Police Barracks of Ixelles.

ASPER Countryside family house siteplan

2018-02 | Exemplary project

Our project ASPER is used as an exemplary building in a study on minimising space occupancy in open and rural areas, executed by the Flemish Government. The project is praised for its ambition to anticipate future changes in the functions it hosts. The independency of the external and internal structure assures a long-term adaptability of the plan letting its program extend, shrink, change or perhaps revert back to agricultural functions. Moreover the perception of the farmland surrounding the house is guaranteed by literally organising the plot in functional strips of different widths perpendicular to the street.

2018-01 | Happy new year!

Another year, another project is under construction: ASPER.

2017-09 | News from the front

Demolition works of our renovation project BARON have started. Stay tuned!

2017-03 | Same address, better view

Due to the construction of IMAL Brussels’ centre for new media and digital arts, we have moved all the way up. We can now enjoy an amazing and inspiring cityscape. You’re welcome.

2017-01 | As it happens

Kaderstudio has been awarded with the runner-up price for the Europan 14 competition in Tubize. The project reflects upon the theme of productive cities and its implementation within a small-medium city with a glorious yet faded industrial past. The project has been developed in collaboration with Pauline Durand, Frederick Vandyck and Tom Uyttendaele.

2016-02 | Coming soon

Work in progress. The dental practice Parnasse is shaping up, building completion coming soon.

2016-05 | Welcome !

Kaderstudio has moved to its new office space, you’re welcome!

2016-01 | Baron

The building permit for the renovation of a mansion house has been handed in. The further design phases have already started.

CIRCULAR RETROFIT LAB Renovation and re-programming of prefab student housing modules

2015-03 | Transform

On May 8th the research group TRANSFORM, part of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel’s æ-lab, organises a research seminar. During the seminar Stijn Elsen will be giving a presentation on the open-ended strategy of KADERSTUDIO projects.

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It is probably the architectural definition of collective space. It establishes a place of mediation between public and private space. It creates appropriation, a sense of belonging and security at the same time. Sometimes utopias resist reality.


Descartes would be proud

The cross-shaped composition, the curtain wall, the thickness of the structural façade. A triumph of orthogonality that results in an infinite superposition of Cartesian planes that become three-dimensional and, in fact, no longer measurable.


Reduced footprint

A symbiotic relationship between structure and architecture that evokes a form of respect for nature. A reduced footprint that celebrates the continuity of the landscape. A linear composition which sets a crossable boundary. This is probably the literal definition of a landmark.

Peaceful outpost

Towering the Gudauri valley and offering a panoramic view to the surroundings it recalls more a military outpost rather than a symbol to celebrate friendship. A very powerful typological shift for this monument.

Reaching out

Conceived as a series of bridges stacked an interwoven with each other, the former Ministry of Transportation towers the Mtkwari river and acts as incredibly dynamic panoramic device. A giant and muscular construction who’s only aim was to reduce its footprint and minimise its impact on earth.

Building for energy

An electrical substation. Extremely faithful to its technical program by celebrating modularity and precision. It doesn’t renounce to its urban expression recalling the idea of a city gate.

Vertical promenade

A building? A street? A ramp? You can enter it, you can walk along it, you can climb it. It becomes an urban stage showcasing urban life unfolding onto the harbour. A real urban device and, possibly, the real monument of Ventotene.

Infrastructural rigour

An architecture where scale and composition transcend beauty, possibly because it has never pretended to be pretty. Its only ambition was to be as functional as possible: to hold the ground above and to host as much water as possible. The spatial experience is in a word: MIRABILIS..


The almost obsessive repetition of the same modules offers a surprisingly reach typological variation. Each composition reacts to the terrain creating a unique yet coherent design. Each house tells a story: the story of the mountain on which they lay.


We’ll remember you. Your seeking for lightness despite you weight. Your contrast between metal and concrete, between dark and light. We’ll remember your plinth and its dialogue with Victor Horta. They could have reserve you a better life. Thanks for all these years.


Inside-outside, light-shadow, public-private. Two identical porches facing each other and sharing a garden. Such a simple plan organisation yet such a complex and subtle mediation.


A giant concrete rectangle lying on the hills. Possibly one of the biggest scars one could ever experience. A scar so big to alter the perception of what’s natural and what’s not. A true crystallized landscape constantly reminding of what was,is and will be.

A A and A Again

An almost obsessive repetition of the same element draws the attention on its intrinsic qualities. Each grooved prefab element is made of washed-out concrete and endlessly multiplies the light and shadows effect. Their composition originates a rhythm that evokes, perhaps, the idea of an infinite sequence.


A juxtaposition of vertical and horizontal concrete volumes following a rational composition. The effect of such a spatial arrangement is to shift the attention on the non built of the in-between spaces. An architecture which in a way opposes itself to nature but ends up enhancing the latter’s importance.

Has God been in the details ?

We don’t know whether that’s true. Judging by the harmony of the materials, the correspondence of the forms and the balance between reflective and opaque surfaces, it might even have been possible.

No fear

A heliport conceived as triumphal gateway to the sky towers the Corona Park. A horizontal platform lifted on four shafts hosting vertical circulation. Seeking no negotiation, it literally imposes its presence onto the context with the same power of an ancient monument.

Naturally artificial

A repetition of one typology, dimensionally adapted to the hosted machinery, composes the washing plant of Montevecchio’s mining site. Facing a water basins the sequence of pitched roof volumes forms a composition which establishes a subtle dialogue with the surrounding landscape. Natural and artificial elements become part of the same coherent territorial system.

i double

Sometimes they come back

Both inner corners, despite 5 centuries and almost 7000 km in between, present a thread-like profile to express themselves within the system they’re part of. No matter if for Bramante it belongs to the ionic pilasters whereas for Mies to the open-corner solution, they both become emblems of mathematical precision and its physical realization.

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